Top 10 Health Tips & Care For Winter 2021.

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Friends, the winter season is very lovely, because this season gives us relief from the scorching sun, smell of sweat and humidity of summer. That is why we eagerly wait for the arrival of winter. But the winter season also brings with it many problems. In this season, diseases like cold, fever, pneumonia, rheumatism, and cold diarrhea start showing their effect as soon as the cold increases.

The winter season is especially challenging for pregnant women, young children, and the elderly. Therefore, in this article, we have given 10 such natural and effective remedies. By adopting which you can stay healthy and healthy even in the winter season.

(1) keep the body clean :-

Most of the people do not like to take bath in winter for fear of cold water. Which is absolutely wrong, because the pores of our body get clogged due to lack of cleanliness of the body. Due to which the dirt of our body comes out, the risk of internal diseases increases further. Due to the clogging of the pores, the natural heat of our body is not able to escape, which keeps our body warm by resisting the cold outside.

In such a situation, the outbreak of cold on our body increases further. Therefore, even in the winter season, bathing should be done not every day, but at least at an interval of 1 day. Taking a bath with lukewarm water is very beneficial in the winter season. Some people do not wash their hands with soap even after defecation due to laziness and cold, which is very harmful for their health.

(2) Wear warm and clean clothes :-

To avoid the cold in this season, sweaters, jackets, hats, mufflers, trousers, sheets, gloves, and shoes socks must be worn, so that the body can get enough heat. Nowadays it is often seen that young people do not use hot clothes in order to look fashionable and smart, which can prove to be fatal for them. People do not like to wash clothes again and again in cold weather, so people keep wearing dirty clothes. But let us tell you that getting dirty clothes makes it feel more cold. Therefore, always wear clean and clean clothes, otherwise you may also have to face skin related problems like herpes scabies, itching, and days.

(3) Do exercise daily :-

During the winter, most of the people stay in the quilt and leave the bed very late in the morning. As a result of which our digestion process slows down and blood circulation in the body also slows down.

As a result of which our body is not able to digest food properly and due to slowing down of blood circulation, the feeling of cold in the body is also high, so leave the laziness and get out of bed early in the morning and do exercise or yoga for 1 hour daily. You can also run if you want.

(4) Eat warm nature food :-

Our body needs extra heat during the winter season. So include hot nature foods in your diet.

Foods like garlic, onion, ginger, jaggery, sesame, turmeric, black pepper and fenugreek coriander, provide extra heat to our body and also keep our body safe from diseases due to their antibiotic properties. So definitely include them in your diet. If you want, you can enjoy coriander and ginger chutney.

(5) Eat food rich in protein :-

Eat a protein-rich diet to stay healthy and strong during this season. Protein is abundant in milk, curd, soybean, sprouted gram, various types of pulses and cheese.

Meat and fish also contain plenty of protein. Non-vegetarian people must consume them. Drinking some turmeric mixed with warm milk provides relief in problems like cold and cough. Yes, do not take curd at night.

(6) Make green vegetables your friend :-

Nature has provided many types of vegetables for the winter season, so do not skimp on using them. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato, Carrot, Broccoli, Spinach, Mustard and Bathua greens make the winter season tempting, and also provide adequate nutrition and protection to our body. So make them a part of your kitchen.

(7) Include dry fruits in the diet :-

Dried fruits like dates, cashews, raisins, dates, almonds, walnuts, are rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins. Its use in winters protects us from many types of diseases. It also helps in keeping our body warm. Along with this, take seasonal fruits like guava, papaya, plum, orange, citrus fruits like lemon.

(8) Don't skimp on drinking water :-

There is not much thirst in the winter season, so most people think that drinking water in winter is not necessary.  But this is a big misconception, because water has an important role to digest food and for the smooth functioning of the internal activities of the body, hence water is called life. Therefore, drink 7 to 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking hot water in winter is more beneficial.

(9) Spend time in the sun :-

The fun of sunbathing in winter is something else. The winter sun makes this season more pleasant. But very few people know that sunlight is necessary for our body because our body gets vitamin D from the rays of the sun.

Which is very important for the growth and strength of our body. The sun god is rarely seen in winter, so whenever he has a vision, he must sit in the sun for at least 20 minutes. In case of extreme cold, a fire should be lit and heated.

(10) Massage the body :-

In the winter season, the muscles of our body relax and the blood circulation also slows down. Massaging with mustard, coconut, almond, or olive oil revives our sagging muscles.

Massaging removes the fatigue and stiffness of our muscles, and also speeds up the blood circulation. Therefore, in winter, you should definitely massage all the parts of your body. If the oil is kept in the sun for 20 minutes before massaging, then its quality increases.

So friends, by taking care of these 10 things, you can remain healthy and healthy even in winter, if you can make the winter season enjoyable by taking care of all these things. You must express your opinion about this post in the comment box below and share this post as much as possible.

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